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Providing Financial Assistance to Vedic Schools

Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP), a registered society under the Telangana Societies Registration Act, 2001, is keenly interested in the social, educational and economic development and welfare of Brahmin Community in the Telangana State.
Due to lack of patronage, financial wherewithal and limited employment opportunities current generation of Brahmin community does not prefer to pursue Vedic Education. On the other hand, it becomes the bounden duty of the society to ensure that renowned Vedic scholars find a means to live a life of dignity and to keep them free from financial distress, if any.
Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad after careful examination of the matter decided to provide financial assistance to Veda Pathashalas situated in any of the 31 districts in Telangana under this Scheme.
Guidelines for the scheme:
  • A maximum of Rs. 3.00 lakhs per annum shall be given in two instalments to Vedapathasalas.
  • A maximum of Rs.5.00 lakhs shall be given to a student who has completed Smartha/Agama sastra/Kramantha/ Ghanantha etc., at the time of leaving Vedapathasala.
  • A monthly stipend of Rs. 250 shall be given to a student undergoing training upto Moolam and Smartham.
  • A monthly stipend of Rs.500 shall be given to a student undergoing training upto Kramantham and Ghanantham.
  • An amount of Rs. 2500 will be given as honorarium for such of the Veda Pandits/ Sanskrit Pandits/ Shastra Pandits, who have attained the age of 75 years and above, irrespective of income of the family.
Procedure for Selection:
Veda Pathashalas, students, vedic scholars may send their proposals/ requests to the following e-mail ids of Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad:
The selection shall be conducted by the Executive Committee at the State level.
The Chairman is authorised to make exceptions in the eligibility/ selection process depending upon the merit of the case and his decision will be final.
How to apply
Veda Pathashalas, students, vedic scholars may send their proposals/ requests to the following e-mail ids of Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad

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