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Career Counselling Centre (CCC)

Telangana Brahmin Community is basically economically backward. Unemployment, career decision making, career education, skill development and entrepreneurship development among others, need immediate attention to motivate Telangana Brahmins.
Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP) has initiated the following programs for career development of Brahmin community
  1. Lakshya Scheme For Competitive Exams
  2. Saraswati Vidya Prashasti Scheme for higher education
  3. Vivekananda Overseas Education Scheme for foreign students
  4. Scheme for Providing Financial Assistance to Vedic Schools
  5. Entrepreneurship developments through BEST scheme
  6. Skill development and placement through TEST Scheme
In order to make focused approach, Career Counselling Centre (CCC) is in the process of building up resources and professional teams along with supporting networks. Competitive exams Counselling Centre is now known as Career Counselling Centre (CCC) as integrated centre to take up all above activities.
Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad is setting up Career Counselling Centre (CCC) to initiate above activities along with a competitive exams counselling centre as an Integrated Career Centre at Archaka Bhavan, Barkatpura, Hyderabad.
The following project units/cells of CCC will be set up in due course of time in Archaka Bhavan, Bharkatpura,Hyderabad.
1) Competitive Exams Counselling Cell
  • Lakshya Scheme
2) Skill and Entrepreneurship Development Cell
  •  BEST scheme
  •  TEST scheme
3) Career Advancement Development Cell
  •  Saraswati Vidya Prashasti scheme
  • Vivekananda Overseas Education scheme
  •  Vedic Schools scheme
4) Information Centre (Knowledge Bank)
It is proposed to create professional teams with experts for above cells (full time/ part time Career Counsellors apart from Mentors/Volunteers).
The development of today’s youth depends on awareness creation, which is very essential However without proper planning; the youth lag in reaching out to their career ambitions. As an Initiative, CCC proposes to organise various programs to help Brahmin youth/ prospective entrepreneurs to plan their career effectively and in accordance with their goals and ambitions.
Career Counselling Centre (CCC) will take up the following tasks /activities
  1. Awareness programs of schemes& encouraging volunteerism
  2. Basic Orientation Programs for Competitive Exams, Entrepreneurship & skill development and career advancement
  3. Outreach Workshops, Guest lecturers & Seminars in proposed office and other important locations& regions
  4. Networking with Government agencies/ Stake holders/ academic institutions/training institutes
  5. Linking with Brahmin community/ Associations/professionals/volunteers
  6. Development of Quality Standards / review formats for effective implementation of schemes
  7. Regular follow up for Accountability and field visits to networking partners to oversee implementation periodically across the state
  8. Monthly /Fortnight review and submission of progress reports
  9. Job fairs for placement based on demand
  10. Development of Information Centre, Data Bank in website & publication of books/ schemes/ project literature and guidelines
The Centre will provide Counselling and orientation to youth appearing for various competitive examinations (UPSC, TPSC, SSC, Bank exams, DSC., Railway Recruitment Board etc) also along with orientation programs for entrepreneurship development ,career advancement etc. CCC will also supply relevant information and material along with mock test and interviews where ever required.
It is proposed to start information centre/ Knowledge Bank to provide updated information about TBSP schemes, competitive exams, entrepreneurship and self empowerment projects, skill training and placement etc. The necessary web linkages on various aspects will be indicated in knowledge bank to facilitate information for Brahmin youth immediately. This facility may also be provided in TBSP website. Information on Brahmin Gotras and different Telangana Brahmin categories etc may also be provided along with useful Vedic literature (to be collected) from various sources .Efforts also will be made to prepare compendium of Telangana Brahmin professionals in various fields including Vedic Scholars.
For more details, please contact:
K Kishan Rao 
Director (CCC)
Email ID:


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